A Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) unit is a highly specialized piece of equipment. They are commonly used in the oil and gas industry. Their function is to sample and measure oil as it is transferred between companies. Depending on your business and operational needs in the petroleum market, a LACT unit may be a wise investment.
Basics of a LACT Unit
As crude oil is transported from a production site to storage facilities and pipelines, the LACT unit plays a key role. It is designed to provide accurate measurements of the oil being transferred from one site to the other. It can offer a precise, consistent form of measurement that all parties can trust to protect companies involved in oil trades and transactions. LACT units use sophisticated technology to provide these accurate results with the highest efficiency possible.
A LACT unit connects to an open feed line and stock tank. The LACT unit is activated when crude oil levels start to rise inside the stock tank. This automatically starts the transaction, which then finishes immediately once the oil level drops back down to the set amount. The acronym LACT explains the purpose of this equipment:
Lease—An oil transfer agreement between multiple parties.
Automatic—The transaction happens automatically upon transfer.
Custody Transfer—Measurements are certified to ensure a secure transfer of the crude oil.
Key Advantages of a LACT Unit
DXP Quadna offers specially fabricated LACT units for clients in the oil and gas industry. These units are skid-mounted and can provide full integration of equipment, controls, monitoring, and automation technology. These self-contained units are easy to transport and install. They offer superior operational efficiency and can provide reduced overall project expenses compared to manual measuring practices or other types of equipment.
You can utilize a LACT unit with simple, reliable operation, meaning fewer work site interruptions and a better delivery schedule. This improves your reputation in the market as a reliable crude oil provider. The unit enables you to have accurate, consistent measurements, certified based on industry standards and compliance requirements. This one machine gives you full credibility and accountability, eliminating the risk of human error or flawed measurements.
Features of LACT Units
Each LACT unit may offer unique components and specialized functionality to meet your specific requirements. Most units include the following components:
- Control panel for operational control
- Charge pump for energy supply
- Meter for fluid measurement
- Air eliminator for upstream air and vapor removal
- Secondary meter prover loop to eliminate leakage and verify measurements
- Piping for suction and discharge
- Various valves and seals for regulation and leakage protection
- Inlet strainer to keep foreign objects and contaminants out of the unit
Skid-Mounted LACT Units
Skid-mounted LACT units from DXP Quadna can be customized and optimized with additional features and optional components. We offer prefabricated units based on industry standards. We can also design and fabricate fully custom LACT units to suit your specific oil transfer goals and requirements.
To learn more about ready-to-use LACT units from DXP Quadna and other systems to optimize your oil and gas transfer operation, contact us today.